About the Guild
The Sierra Quilt Guild of Tuolumne County is dedicated to providing an atmosphere of fellowship for anyone interested in the art and craft of quilt making and related arts by: sharing of skills and knowledge in the field of quilt making, providing instruction to further the education, knowledge and skills in quilt making through lectures, workshops, and seminars. We also provide ongoing information on quilting events and contribute to community education by encouraging the appreciation of the art of quilting.
The Sierra Quilt Guild of Tuolumne County now has over 150 members. Here is the membership information:
• Membership dues are renewed each January at $35/per year. This includes Opportunity Quilt tickets. The annual Guild dues of $35.00 must be paid in full on or before March 1 in order to receive 12 Opportunity Quilt tickets. Any dues paid after that date will not include the benefit of the 12 tickets. Each year the Opportunity Quilt is created by guild members and a lucky ticket is drawn to find out the winner at our yearly Quilt and Threads Show.
• New members receive a cloth name tag and a folder containing the By-laws, a Welcome New Member sheet, a Quilt Care sheet and a current Membership roster, list of quilt shops, list longarm quilters within our guild. Membership is pro-rated for new members only. Proration starts in February. A member must be absent for two (2) years before being considered a “new” member.
• New members have the option of purchasing a guild pin for $5.00.
• A new Membership Roster is prepared each March. An updated roster is available at any time by contacting the membership chairperson, also in the monthly Guild Newsletter.
The name, phone, & email address is available for the “membership” chairperson in the Guild Newsletter.
Sierra Quilt Guild Board of Directors
Contact info for the Board can be found in your membership roster and in the monthly Newsletter. If you are not a member, please email quilt@sierraquiltguild.com
Get in Touch
Members receive a membership roster via email. Please use the roster to contact individuals in the Guild.
Written correspondence can be sent to:
Sierra Quilt Guild
P.O. Box 43
Standard, CA 95373